Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kids and their Toys!

All kids dream about having this big amazing one of a kind playroom. A playroom that they can call their own. A playroom that is so much cooler than his/her friends playroom. A playroom full with all sorts of toys.  A kids playroom isn't just a room full of toys, its a room where a kid can be a kid and nothing else is as precious as there time with their toys. Kids can play for hours in their playrooms.  When i was little my playroom was my bedroom. I had lots of toys but no place to put them. That was a real issue because i would always trip over them. If i had a playroom there would have been a spot for all  my toys. The playroom pictured above is a room for kids of different ages. Although, it is the coolest playroom i have ever seen. This room screams PLAY! Obviously someone felt strongly about their kids having a playroom. It has computers, tables, cushions, Foosball table, a TV, and I'm sure many toys. Who wouldn't want to play in this playroom? When i was younger one of my childhood friends had a playroom and I thought it was the coolest place i had ever been in. It had buckets upon buckets of toys, it had a TV where we could watch movies, it had a enormous barbie doll house that i could fit in, it had a lego table, and it had a table where we could color. I could spend so much time in their and not even realzie it. If i were a parent i would make sure my kid had a playroom that they could use for their toys and playtime. If you think about it, it is a stupendous idea. With a playroom, there wouldn't be toys scattered all over the living room, the kitchen, or anywhere you could trip over them, except for in their playroom. If their playroom has doors then that also minimizes the noise level in the house. Many parents deal with kids that have too much energy and their kids always have to be doing something. Well that can be fixed with a PLAYROOM! Like i mentioned before kids can spend hours in a playroom playing with their toys. It keeps them busy and gives parents time to get done some of the stuff they wanted to get done. A playroom can do all that? YES! You might not realize it but a kids playroom is like their sanctuary. Give your kids a playroom. It will save you so much trouble.

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