Thursday, April 28, 2011


Matthew Beffa

Change is always a good thing and sometimes it happens to be what an individual needs. When Matt walked into my life it was the one thing to make all my downs turn into ups. My life and family was falling apart piece by piece and he helped me put it all back together. Matt is my number one influential person in my life. He sees and explains life like no one ever has. He amazes me with every step he takes, bringing me along. Without him i wouldn't be in the place i am today. When i was younger i would dress up all pretty and play the role of a princess. I always dreamed of having that handsome perfect prince. I found him and he picked me up off my feet. People say that life isn't like a fairytale, i beg to differ. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Listen to this playlist: bbrundrett1's Playlist

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Just Like You!!

Remember those days when you wanted to be just like your mom or dad. I sure do and this video reminded me of those times. I thought my mommy was the coolest person in the world! I wanted to be just like her. She was so pretty. I wanted to wear high heels just like her and i wanted to wear make-up just like her. I followed her around like a puppy dog watching everything she did. One day i saw her painting her nails and i watched every stroke she made. I hopped up in her lap and said, "mommy can you paint my nails just like yours?" and she did. I was so excited because now my nails looked just like my moms. My mom was my idol in my younger years. Who did you want to be like?


When i first looked at this picture i just saw a bunch of kids staring at this marble. I wondered why they were so far away from it. Its as if they are scared of this little glass ball. After pondering about this picture i realized that it has more of a meaning than just some random kids staring at a marble. To these kids the marble is so much more than just a glass ball. This marble is their world summed up and locked tight in a glass ball. They wonder how can such a little object can be so interesting. The marble symbolizes a simple thing with a whole lot of meaning. Questions come to mind when i think about what these kids could be thinking about this random marble. Where did it come from? What is it? The marble is two different colors. What could that possibly mean? Why is it round? Can i touch it? Can i have it? Or they could just be looking at it because they have nothing else to do.  Who knows? When i was a kid i loved marbles! I thought they were the coolest things ever! I would take a marble and put it my pockcet and think of it as a good luck charm. I believed that everywhere i went i would have good luck as long as there was a marble in my pocket. Today i have marbles in my car and the will never go away for they are stuck under my passenger side seat. I have tried to unbolt the seat to get the marbles out but is physically impossible! So for years there have been marbles in my car and i look at them as a good luck charm.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Big Kid Slide

Remember the days when you were younger and you wished you could be like the big kids and do what they did? Well, when i was in elementary school there was only one thing i wanted to do that all the big kids did. I wanted to slide down the BIG KID SLIDE. We had two playgrounds, one for kindergarten through fourth grade and then one special playground for the fifth graders. At recess my friends and I would stare at the slide. The big kid slide was like the tongue of a monster. It was long and curvy. We knew we weren't allowed on the slide so, all of us young ins couldn't wait for the first day of fifth grade. As the school year passed I was one day closer to being able to ride the big kid slide. The last day of school my kindergarten year is the one day i will never forget. One brave soul named Austin decided he would stand up to that monstrous tongue. Even though he knew he would get in trouble he did it anyway. Austin sat his little kindergarten butt at the top of the big kid slide and pushed his body with his hands. His little body shot down that never ending slide like a bullet. Austin went so fast that when he reached the bottom of the slide he flew off the edge. His end result was a broken leg. That is why we weren't allowed on the big kid slide and that is why I could wait till fifth grade to ride the big kid slide.